Industry 4.0: development of a dashboard for monitoring production processes

The need
The client (confidential) manages several production plants. The IoT data from the machines are already collected and stored in the MES. Data related to machine performance, real-time production levels and different shifts, maintenance needs, etc. were reported on paper within the production lines for daily comparison among operators. The need was to (i) understand the diagnostic reasoning mechanisms of production managers, (ii) design specific KPIs to be displayed on the dashboard, (iii) create an interactive data dashboard to allow effective monitoring of the plant's status and the use of data by field operators.
The project
Infofactory has collaborated with the MES provider to obtain real-time data, designing and implementing an interactive dashboard essential for the control and management of the plants by production managers and other operators.
The system is used in various facilities through the use of large touch monitors installed at the production lines.
One of the aspects that has been given particular attention is the design of the interface:
- The dark colors have proven to be more suitable for a dimly lit environment.
- The dimensions of the widgets (graphic components) have been designed to allow a correct display of data and alerts by operators positioned at a certain distance.
- the navigation of the dashboard has been arranged at the bottom so that the user does not have to raise their arm to select a view and so as not to cover the data with their own body.
The system is also accessible remotely via browser or mobile devices through specific data security protocols.
Finally, users have the ability to add or independently move machinery along the grid of the department's floor plan, eliminating the need to involve a developer to make changes.
Desktop & mobile.
Operation and system requirements.
Production Monitoring
The main screen allows you to view production data (targets and deviations), the performance of each work shift, the OEE of the machines, and other indicators.

Plant Map manageable from backoffice
The management of the map, by the representatives, is guaranteed by the presence of a back-office, which allows the addition or movement of machinery along the grid of the map. It is therefore possible to manage and move the machinery on the department's map to follow the changes and variations that occur in the plant.

Mobile Devices
The display of dashboards is available both on desktop and mobile devices. The mobile system is accessible via browser using a dedicated link within the company's internal network.