App for controlling an air sanitizer.

The project
Infofactory has been responsible for creating an application that allows you to manage Puricraft purifiers in an easy and fast way through your smartphone.
Puricraft is a brand that sells air purifiers, their function is to capture viruses and bacteria, killing them with the radiation of UVC lamps, returning safe and fresh air.
Device Configuration
The device operates through a wifi connection, and the app allows you to choose the network it should connect to.
It is also possible to name the device, select the type of building it is installed in (home, office, hotel), select the room it is installed in (kitchen, bathroom etc) and set the size of the room that needs to be sanitized. The size of the room is directly linked to the duration of the sanitation program and the speed of the fans.
Dual control mode
The app has an "Administrator" mode that allows you to manage all the device's features or a "Guest" mode that can only view the existing devices and the room they are located in.
Switching On and Off
Through the app, it is possible to turn the device on and off, set on and off timers on a weekly basis.
Cycle Programming
The app allows you to schedule the number, duration, and on which days to carry out the sanitization cycles.
Type of Cycles
There are various types of cycles: normal, eco or boost, which can be selected through the app.
Audible Alerts
The devices have audible alerts that can be managed through the app.
Find the device
This function allows, through the app, to turn on a blinking LED to identify the correct device in case there are many.
Device Identification
Through the app, it is possible to see in which buildings and rooms the devices are installed and how many devices are present in each room.